As an established author with an intriguing collection of short stories, Paul Purnell is well versed in the crime drama genre. His many years of experience in the UK’s legal system has given Paul a deeper, and sometimes disturbing, understanding of the minds of both criminals, and victims.
During his 35 year tenure, Paul Purnell has prosecuted murderers and defended them too. He has had the unfortunate displeasure of seeing first-hand just about every type of crime imaginable and has interacted closely with investigators, criminals, victims, and everyday people.
Paul faced many horrors in the course of his career but has refused to put his direct experience into print. However, he has used much of that knowledge in his writing.
The ‘Ballantyne Series’ of books encapsulates many of the events and facts of his criminal court experience with modifications to the names and events.
While the collections of short stories are imaginative, sometimes amusing, tales to thrill readers.
‘The Kazak Contract’ is now an audio book on Amazon and all retailers.’
Currently, Paul’s collection includes:
- Tombola
- The Tontine Trap
- The Kazak Contract
- Dangerous Cargo
- The Hireling
- Scaramouche
- The Storm
A Message From The Author
Having spent much of my professional career in the legal profession, I have met thousands of people from all walks of life. Today, I enjoy meeting my readers and fans from all over the world and welcome their feedback as long as it is both objective and reasonable.
I hope that when you read my collection of short stories, that you will find them interesting, thought provoking, and, most of all, entertaining. I send my best wishes to all of my readers and promise to continue sharing my stories as long as you will read them. – Paul Purnell
Currently, Paul’s collection includes:
- Tombola
- The Tontine Trap
- The Kazak Contract
- Dangerous Cargo
- The Hireling
- Scaramouche
- The Storm